About Me

I’m a former barrister, accountant and actuary, with a science degree and over 30 years’ professional leadership experience in both private and public sectors across the UK and abroad. I’ve worked in Westminster, at HM Treasury and for UK financial regulators. I’ve undertaken public reviews and taken legislation through Parliament.

I joined the Liberal Party in the 1980s because I was fed up with the rotten electoral system and I wanted to turn Britain into a modern democratic country, and subsequently joined the Liberal Democrats. Before the 2010 general election, I was a member of the Liberal Democrats’ pension policy working group which proposed the pensions triple lock as a way of restoring the value of pensions after Thatcher broke the earnings link in the 1980s.

One of my Kennedy ancestors notoriously roasted an opponent on a spit until he gave up his claims. I won’t be doing that, but I will be holding the other parties’ feet to the fire over the way they have brought our country to its knees. The Liberal Democrats are the only party offering voters a Fair Deal on the economy, the environment, and political reform which can see us through the cost of living crisis, bring our country back together and restore our broken relationship with Europe.